Saturday, March 7, 2020

Headline: ELIZABETH WARREN TAKES CREDIT FOR TANKING BLOOMBERG ON PURPOSE--What Richard Brodhead and Andrew Delbanco did in 2002

I posted on the Internet half a dozen pro-Warren articles in 2012. Some of them were still up in 2013 if not later. One was reprinted in the Antipodes!

Several times in my career I have been tanked on purpose, for instance when a young worshipper of Edmund Wilson who had decided that HE was as much a "public intellectual" as his master, ridiculed the first volume of my biography of Melville in the New York TIMES. All over the country, book stores sent back boxes of the book, unopened. Another time was when the Dean at Yale, Richard Brodhead, flat out lied, saying in his review of the second volume that  I had invented POEMS (1860)--only Parker in his "black hole" had heard of it. Brodhead by his lie encouraged Andrew Delbanco to go further in the NEW REBUBLIC and say I could be trusted no where because I had invented not only POEMS but also THE ISLE OF THE CROSS (1853). The first volume had been a finalist for the Pulitzer, but NOT the second one. You could trust a professor at Yale and a Professor at Columbia, couldn't you? They would have known every Melville document . . . . Surely they were not just critics who had read only novels, and not read them very carefully . . . .

So when I saw Elizabeth Warren take credit for "tanking Bloomberg on purpose," my stomach turned.

Even if you are running for President, tanking another candidate on purpose is a despicable thing to do.

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