Thursday, March 12, 2020

Believe this???----Jeff Weaver, senior adviser to the Sanders campaign: "If Joe Biden is the nominee, Bernie Sanders will support him wholeheartedly, campaign for him."

I remember 2016. I do not believe that Sanders is capable of acting like a Democrat. Why? He is not and has never been a Democrat. He has no more respect for a Democratic President like Obama than he has for Richard Nixon. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself. He is also obsessively vain, a man who wants worshippers and counts them as his personal subjects. My little Revolutionaries, don't work for mean old ambitious incompetent Hillary! I have never fotgotten that night in Philadelphia when he lied to his crowd, saying that Hillary that morning had said he was incompetent to be President. No, he screamed, "Hillary is incompetent to be President," and the crowd chanted after him. Now, you remember what happened? In those days news people did not do fact checks. That morning, a reporter had tried to goad Hillary into saying Sanders was unqualified. She was too smart to let him trap her. But Sanders heard some version of what had happened and decided to LIE about her.
Any time that man promises to play nicely, be careful. He will drop scorpions into the sandbox. He does not know how to play with others. Jeff Weaver, check your pocketbook and count your toes.

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