Friday, July 24, 2020

75,000 Thugs from Trump's Private Army? Look at what happened when Lincoln called for 75,000 Volunteers

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he's willing to send as many as 75,000 federal agents into American cities to quell violent crime, a recent campaign theme for the President.
Speaking in a telephone interview on Fox News, Trump began by saying he was ready to dispatch "50,000, 60,000 people" into American cities.
But eventually he upped the figure to 75,000 --

Maybe I am wrong, but what if Lincoln had not called for 75,000 volunteers just then? What if he had waited a few days to think of a better strategy? I don't know about South Carolina, but the majority of people in North Carolina were not in favor of going to war. What if Lincoln had waited until he could devise another approach? Let's just think about what he MIGHT have tried, just for a few days or a few weeks. Could there have been better ways of assuring that black lives really mattered, then and over the next many decades? 75,000 is a formidable number.

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