Thursday, April 16, 2020

Well, you just never know. Not melanoma because growing too fast?

Now, that is not as reassuring as it sounds. The wisest ocular oncologist on the West Coast thinks, to put it politely, that they eye could not have changed so fast if it had not metastasized from a cancer elsewhere in the body. I had a picture taken in January, just by chance, instead of a dilation--so there is a perfect record of a happy right eye. The idea that I am riddled with cancer? A joke. But Stanford could not do scans till Friday so I am home trying to arrange pet and cat scans immediately to find the cancer elsewhere than the eye. What's a pet scan? Well, I can spell metastasize now so I can find out the same way. And if it is melanoma after all they will try to save the eye and even some vision. I have been having night sweats for weeks now so after waking up with a damp top I went to the Internet and yes that can be a sign of cancer.  Scans here we come, today, I hope. The local eye man was interested enough in the case to get me to the great man up north. He will do what he can. 4 am now. I will find some way of doing ORNERY PEOPLE. Stubborn. I am thinking of tricked old grandpa Solomon Sparks tied hand and foot in a canoe on the Yadkin being hauled down to Patriot headquarters near Salisbury. They had not gagged him so he kept shouting, HURRAY FOR KING GEORGE. After all, the Crown or the agent of the Crown had given him his land in the 1750s and he did not drink tea and what was the fuss about? Riddled with cancer? This we did not expect at all.

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