Friday, April 10, 2020

One damn thing after another!

As if we had not been facing enough problems, we have a more serious one. My good eye, the right one, began hurting before I was quite well of the virus so I ignored it till I was better. Last Friday I realized that if I put my hand over my bad left eye what I saw was nearly solid brown out of the good eye. Saturday the brave young optometrist came into the empty office and examined me. Afterwards she sent pictures to a colleague of hers in San Luis Obispo. He arranged to see me yesterday at 8. The driver sat in the car in the rain for 4 hours because family was not allowed in. Everyone was masked and gloved.  The good young man looked at many pictures and said I would have to be sent north to a great specialist. Today that was arranged. We will be going up next week. There is a lump in the eye that is leaking the fluid that blackens the eye. 
Now, we are concerned because the great specialist deals with ocular oncology. The visit will be diagnostic.  We know no more than that the lump is suspicious. Apparently it is not what we first thought, macular degeneration, but worse.
Now, we have several days. I don't have much strength because I had to stop exercise soon after the surgery (2 months ago today), but we have a mission. We are going to pack the 12 or 14 boxes we have in the garage. We can do 5 in an hour. We will check with the PO and start mailing them early in the week if the PO here is taking boxes and if the BA can receive them. 
I have very little left to pack--mainly things I am reluctant to let go of forever, but it's time, and they will be easy to pack. I am finished sorting through the piles of letters.
I will feel better doing something constructive with the next days.
Today I talked briefly to the doctor who did the surgery on Feb. 10, two months ago, because I could not go in to see him. I cheered him up by saying the affair was, it seems, a great success, something that became apparent only slowly, during the virus and during this week of eye trouble. He is happy. The rheumatic specialist in creatine finase is not happy because we cannot get in to do anything about the results of the MRI (hips inflamed somehow) but that has to be ignored till we know more about the eye and something is done about it.
I want very much to do ORNERY PEOPLE and will be very annoyed if I don't get to. Meanwhile, the long packing is about over and we should be able to tape and mail in the next days. 

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