Thursday, April 23, 2020

"Riddled with cancer"? Apparently lymphoma scattered around

SLO establishment is on the case. 13 or so vials of blood an hour ago, including one to see if the 1950s TP could be reasserting itself. Lymphoma is not certain but the little red circles in the PET scan are certain. Treatment is coming after biopsy next week. Days pass, and of course the formerly good right eye is getting worse, but the establishment is indeed on the case. I am happy about the local oncologist we met today. There is some chance that the cancer can treated and there is some chance that some vision from the formerly good eye can be saved. The word seems to be that the formerly bad eye (so for all my life) is healthy, just still suffering from astigmatism, and the hope is that it will not be invaded by the cancer.

I made it clear that I require sufficient vision and sufficient time to do ORNERY PEOPLE. If nothing else, the first book of the proposed series will be 400 or so ten-line to half-page to two-page stories about kinfolks in years between the early 1600s into the mid 1950s. Usually, the stories illuminate some historical movement in the South, like Jefferson leaving a note to Madison demanding that he burn us out again. There's lots of family anecdotes and lots of violence and one example of alleged bestiality punished by burning and beheading. The stories are all from documents. You might be surprised at how many hundreds of actual speeches of kinfolks you can bring together in four centuries: I was. Anyhow, I am working on the table of contents every day, as strength permits. I have been saying for weeks that the little surgery on February 10 and its long aftermath, not to mention packing Boxes, had taken all my stamina. Something sure did. We did not see this coming!

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