Tuesday, December 28, 2021

San Luis Obispo Tribune ‘A new white shark frontier’: Morro Bay attack focuses attention on Central Coast population

 So we have more sharks swimming in the water. Surfers are talking about going in teams. That makes sense. At times when I was running, and running very early, I have seen single surfers going into the water while it was still dark, too dark to see them a hundred feet out. 

Yesterday the rain was supposed to slack off in midmorning so out I went and very quickly saw that I was getting so wet that I might as well slog through Duck Creek and the Cloister's stream, smaller. I wondered about one middle aged woman and then another. Did no one tell them not to go out and play in the cold rain? It was a glorious 43 minutes and at the garage I hosed out the shoes and put them in a narrow bucket to drain. Then back to the Mountain Meadows massacre, which breaks your heart the more you read about the condition of the few children who survived. I try not to learn about the details of the entrapment and slaughter. My poor cousins . . . . Land sharks.

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