Saturday, August 29, 2020

Thinking of memorable things people have said to me

 The recently dead broker and friend who on our visit to California on August 26, 1996 at 2:30 asked, "Why are you working? Why aren't you retired?" The diary note ends: S.L.O. not ruled out." "Why are you working" was the most important thing anyone ever said to us.

Recently, after it seemed I had lymphoma and might lose an eye, a doctor met us by saying, "I have nothing but good news for you today"--not that Valley Fever is not a very serious illness. "I have nothing but good news for you today."

A monstrous bully yelled, after being caught lying, "When you doubt me you dehumanize me." How will Biden manage a fact checker at the debates? The FC would have to cut off the cameras while he or she spoke?

At a Delaware hospital 2 doctors were gleeful that they could apply what they had learned about middle-aged white men with shingles. They scooted close to the bed and one said to me, "Heavily into anal, eh?" It got me a private room with a view of the Washington Street Bridge.

After knowing me 15 years my teacher said he could get Don Cook to review my forthcoming FLAWED TEXTS AND VERBAL ICONS. I said, "I was thinking Cleanth Brooks." He jerked back and said, "But it's textual!" Well, not just textual.

Late in the 1980s a life-long self-promoter was astounded when I refused to recommend that an agency grant a proposal of his: "But in this profession you scratch my back and I scratch your back." Well, this person had the power to try to obliterate my name, and he did try, but I did not lower my standards. And I am particular about who scratches my back, still.

I will think of some more examples.

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