Thursday, August 6, 2020

Jake Paul famous YouTuber--Something I am sorry I read about this morning

You can't doom-scroll even a little without finding there are things in the world worse than some of the horrors you knew about.
Here is something from the Washington POST:

 I stumbled across the term “allostatic load,” which refers to the mental and physical effects of constant exposure to stress. Symptoms include forgetfulness, mind fog, apathy, detachment and reduced ability to function or focus.

Between the coronavirus pandemic, civil rights conflicts, and, well, all of 2020 so far, our stress-response systems have been on high alert. Even if you’re not consciously thinking or worrying about these stressors, you’re being bombarded with “this is not normal” danger signals every time you log in to a Zoom meeting, turn on the news or wait your turn on a carefully spaced floor decal while wearing a mask. Processing those signals drains your battery, leaving you fatigued, exhausted and numb.

AllOSTATIC LOAD. And she has not even been told she was going blind from eye cancer and dying right away. She does not even have Valley Fever and Deep Vein Thrombosis. And I bet she did not in March complete 3 weeks of being attached to a catheter.  Is there already a term for hyper-allostatic load?

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