Sunday, February 21, 2016

A TEARDOWN--$83,500 in 1968, $5,100,000 in 2015--627 Moreno Avenue--A Dirt Lot Now

Very strange feelings this week. For three decades when I thought of my study I visualized a TV writer working there, continuing a writer's California life. I wished him well, and now see the house, much extended, with a pool on the west (26th Street) side, and yet another family owning the house. No--not another family owning the house. I learn instead that the owner who paid $5,100,000 razed it, house and study and every tree. $5,100,000 for a teardown.
I loved my study. Here are a few pictures.
Part of the strange feelings, of course, are about addiction--and in this case addiction of an almost inconceivable magnitude. In the mid-80s the heroin addiction was acknowledged, so I was always a little edgy in thinking about the LA house, but I wanted them to be happy, and I wanted David Milch to appreciate the study. I want them to survive and thrive again.

The stained glass had the motto "Bending Every Effort." It was hinged, and concealed glassware. It was from a Heavener, OK church, as was the glass on the door.

Above, top, the women of Israel saying precisely the wrong thing about David to King Saul--

In the next picture see how wide the top board is--perfect for laying out papers. There were of course cubbies on both sides.

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