Thursday, September 19, 2013

Murrell the Land Pirate of the Natchez Trace--A Man to Share an Uncle With

I've been having fun with my Sims ancestors, the Sims Intruders in what became Limestone County. A Sims aunt married Benjamin Murrell, who was a Revolutionary soldier. Murrell's father had led a group of Baptists from Virginia to what became Hawkins County, Tennessee, from where the Intruders took the Elk River all the way down.
Eudora Welty photographed Uncle Tom Costner's store in Banner. Well, long ago I had dinner with her in Washington, D. C. and talked to her about railroad travel. Oh, if I had only known that my Uncle Benjamin was also the uncle (by blood) of John (not James as she says in "A Still Moment") Murrell, the Land Pirate of the Natchez Trace, that most beautiful Southern highway.

I can't tell this to Noel Polk because he up and died on us, dammit, dammit. His proudest moment was one I witnessed. At a conference Miss Welty was lecturing. She forgot a name and looked out at the audience and said, "Noel, what's the name I want?" Noel was so flustered that he squeaked out the name she wanted. What was it? Pinckney something or something Pinckney? Ah, I was sitting by the man Eudora Welty knew by name! Reflected glory.

If only I could have told Noel that Murrell the Land Pirate of the Natchez Trace and I shared an uncle!

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