Friday, November 26, 2021

The Excitement of Discovery! In the last few days I have found remarkable documents about the MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE

 How I wish Will Bagley had not died, as he did at the end of September. I could have brightened more than a couple of different days of his life. The more I find the longer my chapter will be, but the greater the need to narrow my focus. I can't tell the story of the massacre, which after all has been well told by Will and by Walker, Turley, and Leonard. But I can tell about the grief of the families.

It's not quite up there with finding the title THE ISLE OF THE CROSS. Then I could telephone Hayford and Sealts and go up to tell Jay Leyda. And now I can't run in White Clay Creek by the Arc Corner and on a stretch of the Mason-Dixon Line, but I can run oh so fast on the beach at Morro Bay. And when someone comes up behind and passes me I can say, "How can you do that? I am going as fast as I can."

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