Tuesday, March 23, 2021

What to make of a several line letter in the TLS after a year of devasting sicknesses

 I'm revising the chapter on Albion Tourgee vs Montford McGehee and seeing just how close the Republicans today are to the defenders of the murders and whippings (floggings, really) of the KKK in the late 1860s and early 1870s. Yesterday I took up the mail and went back down to prepare my pallet to nap on when the Caregiver used the intercom to ask if I had looked at the TLS. No. "You have a letter in it!" Up to see it. Not an important letter, but one test of whether or not a writer is alive is if you have a review or a letter in the TLS. Now, there was a wonderful review of COMPLETE POEMS in 2019 but nothing in 2020. So taking very short walks every day and getting a little letter in the TLS by late March 2021 are little good signs.

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