Monday, March 15, 2021

The Vulgarization of Cousin Jane

 I liked EMMA very much the first time I read it, at the end of 1959, and continue to watch it in different film versions, though I may not have reread it. Some years ago I discovered that Jane Austen is a cousin of mine, descended from the same ancestor Cassandra was so proud of, so I feel not just admiration toward the author but more than a little protective of her. So when Mr. Knightly exposes his bare bony hindside it was hard to stay with the new 2020 movie but I lasted until Emma exposed her bare buttocks to the fire. A law should forbid people from writing imitations of Cousin Jane, making politically up-to-date movies from her books, and in any way vulgarizing her. In this continent Jane's cousins went from 1600s Virginians to Depression Okies, but we were never, never vulgar. Shame on money-grubbing people with no imagination of their own. Back to NETFLIX.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, have you seen the adaptation with Kate Beckinsale? That one is my favourite.
    I still love the book more than any adaptation though. You should reread it.
