Friday, August 2, 2019

JANE MILLGATE Professor Emeritus, Victoria College at the University of Toronto on January 26, 2019, following a swift decline

Jane Millgate was a casualty of the War, damaged like my collaborator Brian Higgins by food shortages. We did not get the usual Christmas note and, overwhelmed by our own problems, did not look on the Internet after the first of the year and did not ask anyone until today, the day after the Library of America Melville COMPLETE POEMS interview was published and I was free to retire. What I will do is print here again a few of my tributes to Jane Millgate. I often thought that only David Erdman and I understood just how groundbreaking and brilliant her work was. Apparently others understood as well. In the next days I will re-post some old posts. This first one mentions my ongoing praise of her brilliant contributions to scholarship--"as recently as 2013." Well, I will expand later.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Scottish Literary Review on Jane Millgate -- From Caroline McCracken-Flesher's part of the tribute.

The 1978 book, Editing Nineteenth-Century Fiction, shows how important 
Millgate has been to developing and intertwining scholarly communities, too. In her 
introduction to papers given at the Conference on Editorial Problems, Millgate deftly 
addresses the variations of method that might be expected in this formative moment for 
major editions. Hershel Parker, as recently as 2013, refracted the energy, enthusiasm 
and commitment of that conference as a community. He touted in particular “Millgate’s 
Great Essay on Scott’s THE SIEGE OF MALTA,” “still the best study of “a document over 
which its author did not have full mental or physical control.’” Millgate’s, he reminds 
us, is pioneering work—not just in editing, or in the formative discipline of disability studies, but in linking scholars and expanding fields.


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