Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Richard Brodhead Not Named in News Reports about Settlement of Case filed by James Van de Velde

It strikes me as remarkable that the news reports of the fact that Yale University and the New Haven Police Department have paid to settle James Van de Velde's lawsuit against them do not mention that what destroyed Van de Velde's career was not the hapless, abysmally stupid behavior of the Komedy Kops in New Haven but what the Dean of Yale College did, cancel Van de Velde's class and drive him out of the university. If Richard Brodhead had possessed the courage to denounce the incompetent and irresponsible local police and champion the great young teacher, Van de Velde's life and career would not have been so damaged for so long.

If the NHPD paid $200,000, what did Yale University pay?

Does anyone have the courage to tote up what Yale has paid in damages because of Brodhead along with the tens of millions Duke has paid out in damages because of Brodhead?

Protecting Brodhead from his folly is systemic. Just this year the CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ran in a paragraph saying my complaint against Brodhead was based on "editorial" differences. No, my complaint was that he damaged my reputation by saying in the New York TIMES that I was a fantasy biographer--that I alone in my "black hole" had imagined that Melville in 1860 finished a book that he called POEMS.

Protecting Brodhead is systemic in the academy. Why?

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