Sunday, December 9, 2012

Joyce Deveau Kennedy and Frederick Kennedy--The Greatest Research Team in Melville Study until Joyce died on 7 December 2012

Joyce and Fred--Magnificent Scholars, in 1991.
The passage above is from the preface to my MELVILLE BIOGRAPHY (just printed--I have one early copy) and from the endnote to the passage about Joyce in Spartanburg, S. C.


  1. Thank you for this. Joyce was my aunt and very dear to me as she was to all our family. We miss her greatly and it is a comfort to see how well she was thought of by so many people. She was a lovely person and so well suited in Fred. He is also a truly great person. Anyway just wanted to thank you, it made my day to see the picture and to know someone else thought the world of her too.

    1. Computer failure--I have lost Fred's email. Can you send it to me?
