Thursday, June 3, 2021

In 2020 when great ocular oncologists said enucleation and rapid death from lymphoma, we packed up my running shorts

 We were also packing boxes of books to send to the Berkshire Athenaeum and we were up to 80 or so boxes with 10 more packed and waiting for us to have strength to tape them and mail them (rotator cuff damage is the delay now).

But this week the doctor who saved my vision and is treating the DVT said I could take off the pressure stocking (or have the Caregiver take it off) during my 2 mile walk on the beach. We found one overlooked pair of running shorts, but where in the garage is the bag or box of running shorts?

For decades I have bought 5 or 6 pairs of running shoes at a time because I hate shopping every year. So just before the catastrophe of 2020 I bought several pairs. I just found them in their boxes in the garage. Now I have my last car (the 2007 Honda with 30,000 miles) and maybe my next to last set of new running shoes. But where are the shorts?

Learning that you are going to live for an indefinite future is preferable to the alternative, but when you give away or hide things in preparation for rapid decline and blindness and death, you may forget where you put things . . . . 

There was that hilarious moment when I got a letter very flattering and said, "I want to keep this!" Then laughed and laughed because I was not even going to keep myself alive for long, they were saying. The impulse to KEEP is wondrous.

And after only a few weeks of getting back to the beach (in long pants--who wants to play harlequin?) some stamina is returning. And we thought all stamina was gone forever.

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