Saturday, June 6, 2020

It is so rare for Valley Fever to Present in the Eye that the Guardian wrote to the doctor who wrote a 2020 article on his experience

So sorry to hear what your husband had to go through. But I am glad that a diagnosis was reached and he is getting the appropriate treatment for it.
Unfortunately the vision loss that has happened due to the inflammation may not be reversed completely and he may have some residual damage.
However, being on the appropriate treatment which in this case is fluconazole will prevent further damage.
The treatment for valley fever is fluconazole which in his case will need to be taken lifelong. He needs to follow with an ID specialist who will continue to monitor response to medication. A small percentage of people fail treatment with fluconazole( we can know this by blood work) and have to be switched to an alternate anti fungal medication such as voriconazole.
If your husband develops any new symptoms such as headaches then he would need a lumbar puncture to rule out brain involvement with valley fever. I am sure that his ID doc will go over all this with you.
Wish him a speedy recovery.

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