Friday, October 2, 2020

Covid19 is scary for those of us about to turn 85

 Last year, I would not have worried so much because I was walking 2 miles a day on the beach and running a little of the way. My lungs were as good as TB left them in the mid 1950s. But early this year I had to stop exercising. Men, have you tried to exercise for three weeks with a catheter after surgery? Then, weakened, I ventured to the beach just a few times and came down with near-blindness in the right eye. At the great ocular oncologist's office in Stanford I was told that it was fast moving cancer that had moved up from a body riddled with cancer. One of them talked about removing the eye. And that is my good eye, not the left one. The great man said fast moving, not melanoma, because by luck I had taken a picture of the eye on 31 January and all was fine, for my history. So a certain amount of stress in the next weeks. We made our holograph wills before going to Stanford and more formal wills after getting back. We still have not taped boxes 70-80 or so to mail to the Berkshire Athenaeum, though we got them packed. Then after 3 weeks and a few days an oncologist down here showed us the lighted up chest and said it looked like lymphoma but he was ordering a dozen tests to rule out anything else. The tests, and a lung biopsy, revealed that I had Valley Fever, which sounds much better than lymphoma but is absolutely devastating. Now, I have not been allowed to exercise since early in the year. I was told a month ago that the latest horror, the Deep Vein Thrombosis in the left leg, was controlled enough so that there were NO RESTRICTIONS on exercise. Next four days: Short walk, 2 mile walk, 2 mile walk, emergency room. Pressure stocking still, and the right hip damaged from falling on the driveway three weeks ago as I tried to wrestle garbage cans. Now, at almost 85 I would be in a high risk category even if my lungs were OK. So I look at a man the Speaker of the House describes as morbidly obese and who is 74. They count 74, juvenile 74, as Senior Citizen. I am down here because the windows are closed against the worst air in the world and it is a little cooler here on the floor where I nap in the afternoon. The news is pretty upsetting.

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