Thursday, November 30, 2017

A paternal-side cousin's book-length story of his escape from a Confederate prison then surviving to die in Arizona in the new century

It's taken me hours to assemble it from newspapers, but now I have it all. A literate cousin! A cousin with a prose style! It's in the same genre as my wife's Cousin Ervin Varga's
Living and Dying in Hungary: Jewish Psychiatrist Looks Back. Two out of thousands survived in Ervin's case. Three out of sixty made it to Union lines in my cousin's escape, Cousin John and 2 others. In a related genre, the captivity narrative, we have the Bell cousin's book on the Mier captivity.
In the great centenary year 1876 Cousin John was making $40 a month as a schoolteacher in a 9-month school, limping from a wound incurred after he went back to battle, but a very thoughtful men. Back to reading.

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